
Finessefleet Corporation (India) is a pioneering educational and technology enterprise headquartered in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. At the heart of our mission lies a commitment to delivering unparalleled educational experiences to students across the nation. Through a harmonious fusion of innovative technology and pedagogical finesse, we strive to empower learners with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in an ever-evolving world.

With a deep-rooted belief in the transformative power of education, we endeavor to make quality learning accessible to all, irrespective of geographical or socioeconomic barriers. Our dedicated team of educators, technologists, and industry experts collaborates tirelessly to develop cutting-edge solutions that optimize the learning journey and nurture intellectual curiosity.

At Finessefleet, we recognize that education is not merely about disseminating information but about igniting a passion for lifelong learning. Through our comprehensive suite of educational offerings, encompassing diverse subjects and disciplines, we aim to inspire and empower the next generation of thinkers, innovators, and leaders.

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond the confines of the classroom, as we actively engage with communities, institutions, and policymakers to foster a culture of educational innovation and inclusivity. By leveraging the latest advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and augmented reality, we seek to revolutionize the educational landscape and unlock limitless possibilities for learners of all ages.

As we continue to chart new frontiers in the realm of education and technology, we remain steadfast in our pursuit of excellence, integrity, and social responsibility. Join us on this transformative journey as we redefine the boundaries of learning and empower individuals to realize their fullest potential.

“Expanding education is the cornerstone of shaping a brighter future for humanity, ensuring that each successive generation inherits not only knowledge but also the capacity for compassion, innovation, and progress.”

– Arpita, Chairperson, Finessefleet Corporation


Meet the team

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A. Arpita


Arpita (born 1984, India), a distinguished Indian-American entrepreneur, heads two successful startups: a stealth tech venture and the educational venture Finessefleet. She champions accessible, high-quality education through remote management and innovative approaches, prioritizing inclusivity and digital learning. Adhikari’s leadership exemplifies entrepreneurial vision and social responsibility.

Tarun Adhikari, AMIE

Vice President (Academics)

Tarun Adhikari, an engineer by profession, presently engages with educational institutions across the country, facilitating the dissemination of knowledge and contributing to societal advancement.
Within Finessefleet, Tarun assumes a prominent role in ensuring the delivery of superior educational services to students, while also shaping the institution’s overarching direction.

Rudranath Roy

Vice President (Engineering)

Rudranath Roy, also known as Rudra, is a professional engineer with expertise in Electronics and Communication Engineering, dedicated to pioneering innovations and constructing exemplary technologies for national advancement. Within Finessefleet, Rudra assumes a pivotal position in providing direction for both the technical and academic dimensions of the institution.