Office Orders

Ref. No.DateTitleDivision/Department/InitiativeLink
A-14001(A)-01-2025January 8, 2024Implementation of Mandatory Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Utilization Log for Enhanced Governance and Audit ComplianceAudit Branch, Administrative Secretariat – IPDF
A-12015(A)-(C)-18(2)-20247-Jan-2024Cancellation of Provisional Appointment Vide No. A-12015(A)-18(2)-2024 Dated
28.12.2024 for the Position of Addl. Director, Vidyasagar Learning Initiative (VLI), Finessefleet Foundation
Administrative Secretariat – I, FinessefleetDownload PDF
A-12015(A)-18-202428-Dec-2024Appointment of Officials for Vidyasagar Learning Initiative (VLI): RegAdministrative Secretariat – I, FinessefleetDownload PDF
A-12062(A)-14-202412-Dec-2024Appointment of Statutory Auditor for Finessefleet Foundation in Compliance with Section 139(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, and Confirmation of Filing of Form ADT-1 with the Registrar (ROC, Bangalore)Legal & Compliance Section, Administrative Secretariat – I, FinessefleetDownload PDF
A-14001(A)-08-202428-Nov-2024Confirmation of Execution of Onboarding Documentation Dissemination and Approval Processes for Faculty Volunteers under Vidyasagar Learning Initiative (VLI) for the AY 2024–25: RegAdministrative Secretariat, FinessefleetDownload PDF
VLI/ADM/2024-25/01-B15-Nov-2024Shortlisting of Faculty Volunteers for the Vidyasagar Learning Initiative for Secondary Grade Courses in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English for the Academic Year 2024-25Vidyasagar Learning Initiative (VLI)Download PDF
VLI/ADM/2024-25/01-A11-Nov-2024Grant of Power of Attorney to Dr. Gayathri Gopalan, Engagement Coordinator, VLI, for Signing Appointment Letters and Documents related to Faculty Recruitment of the Initiative effective immediately.Vidyasagar Learning Initiative (VLI)Download PDF